Things that you should know about my SNS

I'm A-chan 「あーちゃん」, Indonesian artist , and also a Anime fan. I will let you know so far about my SNS and about my Do and Don't that you should know

I'am a LoveLive! Fanartist

I mostly do LoveLive fanart ( All generation ) because I'm a biggest fan and all of characters are cute ( I only draw SFW things)

And also I'm always RT about LoveLive stuff. Such as fanarts, Their Seiyuu, their News ,etc

My SNS Do and Don't

Number one, I'm not accepting Scammer, Phishing, NFT (Bitcoin, Airdrop,eth) promoted accounts because they are very detrimental . I will block all of these account and mute the caption

Number two , All of my art is original draw by me and yes no AI Generated.

Get to know about my art

All of my art is drawn using Ibis Paint X ( previously using MediBang Paint )

Are you accept art project?
Yes , I'm accepting art project . this yearIi have a plan to join some art project with another artist ( Joint magazine , Furasta, etc ) and now I have already 2 projects

You're support means a lot

Start from 2021 until now , I can show my art to the world . Thabks for everyone who always support my hardwork between being a college student and a artist.
